Abstracts Book
  • Abstracts will be published with ISSN registration 2422-3824

Download Abstracts Book 3rd IMRMPT here


Instructions for full paper submission

The proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting for Researchers in Materials and Plasma Technology and 1st Symposium on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology will appear in the Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), which is part of IOP Conference Series. All papers published in IOP Conference Series are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download. Authors may be interested to know that IOP Conference Series now receives in excess of 2.3 million article downloads per year, and is abstracted and indexed in Scopus, Compendex and Inspec, among others. Citations are tracked online using IOP Publishing's citing articles facility in addition to the full citation tracking facilities provided by Scopus.

Important: please read before you submit a paper.

Publication License for Open Access Proceedings Papers

IOP Conference Series operates a publishing licence, under which authors retain copyright of their papers and they no longer need to sign and submit copyright assignment forms. Any author who wishes to publish in IOP Conference Series must agree to the terms of the licence and by submitting a paper for publication it is assumed all authors of the paper agree, in full, to the terms of the licence.

The licence terms and conditions are available online.

Where to send your paper

Manuscripts, prepared according to the author guidelines, should be submitted to Ely Dannier V. Niño, e-mails: , until May 10, 2015.

Preparing your paper

IOP Conference Series uses author-supplied PDFs for all online and print publication. Authors are asked to prepare their papers using Microsoft Word or LaTeX, according to the journal guidelines and templates, and then convert these files to PDF. Full instructions on preparing your paper, along with templates, can be found on the IOP Conference Series website.

It is important to ensure that when you submit your paper, it is in its final form ready for publication, and has been thoroughly proofread. IOP do not copyedit papers and will not send out author proofs prior to publication. Please note: post-publication changes are not usually permitted, unless there are exceptional circumstances, so please ensure your paper has been checked for errors.

What you need to provide

  • The PDF file of your paper: when preparing your paper ensure that you follow the author guidelines, but as a minimum:
    • Use European A4 sized paper with at least a 25mm margin
    • Ensure that your paper includes an abstract
    • Do not add any page numbers, headers or footers to your article
  • Any multimedia files you wish to publish online
    • JPCS encourages authors to submit multimedia files to enhance the online versions of published research articles.

Journal enquiries

General enquiries regarding IOP Conference Series should be directed to:

Anete Ashton
IOP Conference Series

Ely Dannier V. Niño

Luz Dary Mantilla
IMRMPT Marketing Executive


Serán sometidos a evaluación por el comite editorial de las siguientes revistas científicas Colombianas:

  • CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro (ISSN 0122-5383) indexadas en la categoría A1 por Publindex-Colciencias.

  • ITECKNE (ISSN 1692-1798) indexadas en la categoría B por Publindex-Colciencias.

Note 1:
El Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), es una revista internacional indexada en la categoría A2 (Print ISSN: 1742-6588) y C (Online ISSN: 1742-6596) por Publindex – Colciencias.

Note 2:
La publicación de los artículos cortos (Proceedings) se realizará sólo en ingles. Tamaño del documento, máximo 4 páginas. De acuerdo a las políticas editoriales de la IOP establecidas para el JPCS, la publicación de los artículos en volúmen impreso con registro ISSN 1742-6588 se garantiza sólo si el artículo se encuentra publicado previamente en la versión online con registro ISSN 1742-6596.

El valor del artículo impreso tiene un costo adicional de COP $125.000 (ciento veinticinco mil pesos) y será publicado tres meses después de la versión online. Todos los artículos considerados a publicación en el Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) deben ser presentados en modalidad Oral o Poster en el 3rd IMRMPT.

Note 3:
La publicación de los artículos en extenso (en revistas nacionales) se realizará en español, ingles o portugues, según criterio de los autores. Tamaño del documento, máximo 10 páginas.

Note 4:
El Comité Académico y Editorial del 3rd IMRMPT sólo permitira presentar dos ponencias en modalidad Oral o Poster por inscripción.